Word craft ultimate vocabulary game
Word craft ultimate vocabulary game

word craft ultimate vocabulary game

Marlee Grace embodies my view of craft today. It could be a poem, a bowl, a pair of shoes, a plate of food, a sculpture, a building, a song.

word craft ultimate vocabulary game

It’s the process of turning the spark of an idea into something tangible and beautiful using your own hands, skills, aesthetic, and vision. My particular craft uses notes and words, and sometimes they are difficult to wrangle into a pleasing shape, but no more difficult than thread and fabric, wood and knife, canvas and paint, flour and butter." ~ Rosanne Cash, singer, songwriter, author When those spiral around each other, and serious attention is given over to that alchemy, then one’s craft can be realized. "Craft is the dovetailing of discipline and imagination, dedication and inspiration. (Quilted Northern spoofed the aesthetic on April Fool’s Day by touting its fictitious "rustic weave artisanal" toilet paper.) Still, there’s magic in handling materials with thought and care, an ideal all of us can understand, appreciate, and pursue. Some might argue the trend jumped the shark once big consumer brands started advertising "signature crafted" fast-food burgers and "curated" salads. Certainly it’s proved a marketable notion (craft beer, anyone?). This is a big one: craft as a value that can apply to any endeavor, be it music, gardening, food, film, even lifestyle. She makes me want to be better at mine, just by being around her." / Cited by: Rosanne Cash, musician The responses were thoughtful, heartfelt, provocative, some times vexed. While no consensus emerged, a few themes did.Įxemplar: The force behind fashion and home goods purveyor Alabama Chanin, "Natalie Chanin absolutely epitomizes the embodiment of an artist who is wholly dedicated to her craft.

word craft ultimate vocabulary game

So we’ve asked around, seeking brief answers to two questions: "What is craft?" and “What person, object, event, or work of art epitomizes your view of craft?” We sought perspectives from dozens of artists, thinkers, and leaders in our own field and others. It feels like a good time to get a sense of what craft means now. Some artists and art institutions avoid the word – that’s nothing new – but other voices and audiences have stepped up to embrace and claim it. In the past decade alone, with the rise of a new generation, we’ve seen the field expand to include DIY, craftivism, and maker culture. We think we know it, but do we? Richly evocative of tradition, history, and a standard of quality, the word can connote many things: skill, art form, antidote to the machine, hobby, therapy, counterculture, deception. Let’s face it, "craft" is a curious word. When they do, they’re blown away by the work they see. Our magazine celebrates a world of amazing creation and inspiration, I tell people, and you should really check it out. Somehow a single, concise, all-purpose definition of "craft”" eludes me.

word craft ultimate vocabulary game

And there’s a whole history and philosophy in the field a lot of the work now is socially conscious.

Word craft ultimate vocabulary game plus#

Plus some traditional work, maybe with a twist. Oh, some of it is a little out there – offbeat materials, giant installations, conceptual – stuff you might not think of as craft at all. Or just great everyday items to live with and use. High quality, things you’d see in galleries and museums and design shops. Ceramics and glass, quilts and weavings and furniture and jewelry, all kinds of beautiful objects. How would you describe, to the average person, what it covers? You’re holding this magazine, or looking at it online. But I’m never entirely comfortable or satisfied with my answer. So I always feel obliged to explain our subject matter. Typically, they’ve confused it with a how-to or traditional handicrafts publication – not that there’s anything wrong with either assumption. “Oh, yes,” they say, “I think I know it.” If they’re not really familiar with our magazine, the reaction is almost always the same: a pleasant look of recognition and genuine interest, tinged with vague puzzlement. American Craft Council American Craft Council Main navigationĬonfession: When I tell people I write for American Craft – something I’ve done for 35 years now – I brace for what I know is coming.

Word craft ultimate vocabulary game